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New Team Members: 

Welcome to the Kenobi-Academy/Prep family. We are glad to have you here and would like to introduce you to our squad system.



When you start the game please chat to say hello to the squad. There are no restrictions on the chat, please use common sense, do not be rude, and say good bye when your’re signing off. If you are only coming in to grab troops because protection is expiring, please say so. As in, "Hey guys, just checking to grab some troops for D." Also, when you do this, please see if there are any uncalled requests and donate if possible. 

Member Evaluation:

We keep records of player activity, your medal count, donations, and attack statistics. We evaluate them regularly to determine if any action is needed. The criteria we use is: Participation/Chat, Donations, and Medals in that order. The most common reason for someone to be removed is low activity level. If you decide to quit or need a break please let an officer know so we are not left wondering why someone has not been on in 2 weeks.  The second most common reason is defensive squatting which is when people routinely break protection to try to win defenses to gain medals. This is a poor tactic to gain medals, not tolerated (we are an attacking squad), and most people who D squat do not make good team mates with poor donation ratios and poor communication since they are offline waiting to get attacked. 



If you are going to be away for vacation, illness, personal issues or any other reason please let an officer know. This is a game and real life issues come first. We do not need details but are here to help every squad member if needed. If you are struggling with any aspect of the game ask for replays to see how other people are handling certain situations. Sharing tactics and ways to attack is an important part of our squad. You can share defeats as well as successes; each replay is a learning experience.


Outside resources:

We use the slack platform for squad communication outside of the game. It is not mandatory to join to be in the squad, but it is highly recommended. Slack offers a much easier way to communicate, and to get news on what’s going on with the squad. Joining slack is however mandatory if you want to participate in squad wars.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask any officer or the leader of the squad.



Kenobi-Academy/Prep Leadership Team

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