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Troop Donate/Receive

Intro: Donations are an important part of being in a squad, and help your squad mates on offense and defense. For this reason, please adhere as closely as possible to our guidelines. Every situation is different but the following guidelines should cover the vast majority of donations.

A.    The Basics: State what troops you would like to receive that fit in your Squad Center (SC) and do not donate troops people did not ask for. Common courtesy like saying, “Thanks!” when a squad mate donates troops to you is not required but highly encouraged. Try to get requests filled as quickly as possible and if there is going to be an unusual delay please state so.


B.    Offensive Troop Requests: For common offensive troop requests such as a Jug with HFD or Hvy’s you do not need to call cooking. If someone does call the request, then you need to respect that persons call, and hold off on donating. These units are constantly being cooked by multiple people all playing at the same time and there is no reason for someone to have to wait a long time because someone called cooking but didn’t have them ready or is pre-cooked and has to attack first. Most likely several others’ already have them ready to go.


C.     Defensive Troop Requests: For defensive troop requests call what you are cooking before donating. For instance, 2 Sharps 2 Skiffs 2 Bikes, please state cooking, and what troops you are cooking. One person can only donate 4 units to each request (unless the person has perks activated) so a request with more than 4 units will require 2 or more people to coordinate. These units will most likely have to be cooked from scratch and why they need to be called.


D.    GTO: Top off units should be donated last. If you donate 4 units and there are still 1-4 spots left, please let other people know that request needs a GTO. Although Grunts (Rebel Soldiers) are the most common top off unit Banthas are also an acceptable alternative.


E.     Chat Delay: Please be aware that there is a delay in the chat feed for both requests being updated and other people’s chat messages showing up. Two people may call cooking at the same time. Be an adult and figure out who is going to cook what. You might call cooking and someone else fills the request immediately. They most likely sent the units before they saw your cooking message appear. There are usually enough requests to go around just donate the next time. Donating is not a competition or race to see who can fill the most requests.


F.     Ninjas: Please check the chat before donating. If someone else has clearly called a request do not donate units to that request unless they are only partially filling the request.  Sometimes people forget they called a request, fall asleep while playing, get an important call they have to take, etc. If someone calls cooking and they have not donated in 10 minutes, then feel free to donate in that person’s place. If you do ninja someone say something in chat as soon as you realize the mistake was made which gives people a chance to cancel before the troops are trained. An apology can also help if you do ninja!


G.    Mistakes: Mistakes are going to happen no matter what. Donations are a bonus to being in a squad and be grateful. If you get ninja’d do not get upset. Chances are someone else will accept the troops you have and Officers are supposed to allow people to dump unwanted troops on them if they have the room. You can also dump unwanted troops on the missions on Tatooine (leave one mission open so you can dump troops there). The in game chat has always been glitchy and prone to showing incorrect information, not displaying some requests but showing others, and the famous Elder messages. This is a game we play for fun so just roll with whatever happens.


H.  40 UC Squad Center: When donating to a 40 UC SC please try to donate at least the Jug and one other unit such as a HFD or Hvy so a second person doesn’t come along and donate a Jug as well giving the person 2 Jug’s instead of what they requested (2 Jug requests are also common and not an issue). With the delay in requests being updated the second person will think they are donating first thus giving the request two Jug’s. 


I. Donating Low Level Troops: Feel free to donate lower level troops to higher level players. The receiver only has to refresh the app and the troops you donated to them will automatically upgrade to that persons own researched level. For instance, if you donate a level 7 Jug to a level 10 player, after the level 10 player refreshes the app, the Jug will upgrade to level 10. On the flip side if a level 10 player donates a level 10 Jug to a level 7 player the Jug will remain level 10 no matter what. Donated troops do not downgrade. 

J. War SCs: When donating to someone's War SC, please pay special attention to what you give. It is easy to make a mistake that will last the whole war.  Please be careful when calling cooks and donating so you don't donate the wrong item or something someone else already put in.  Please also be aware to only donate high level 9 or 10 troops for war SC's unless the players says "any lvl OK"

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